How to Make Transportation Accessible for Disabled People?


According to a few studies, disabled people have to suffer the most when it comes to accessibility of transportation. A convenient form of transportation is very important for such a segment because it becomes really difficult to travel when you are suffering from a severe disability. New transport cabulance tries to provide some relief by running a much more secure form of transportation for disabled in Seattle. Let us understand the type of problems such segments of people have to face and what could be the solution to resolve these issues.

Which Problem Do Blind And Visually Impaired People Have With Transportation?

A visually impaired person will certainly find it difficult to cross the road as one won’t understand the signals and traffic lights while crossing. There are also a lot of obstacles on the streets which might make it difficult for the person to navigate their route without any disruptions.

How to Resolve It?

Audio lights might be very helpful to facilitate a blind person trying to cross the road. They will indicate audibly to the person and let them know if the lights are green or red. Installing them at more places will certainly be helpful. Installing these systems on public transport might also help the person know which stop they are at and what is the next stop.

What Problems Do People With Orthopaedical Impairments Face?

We can generally spot ramps for the people with such impairments on the buses. But they are not automatic and there has to be someone to manually extend or retract those ramps for the person to get on and off the bus. Parked cars on the pavement become a huge issue for a person facing orthopedic impairments. They have to suffer with their wheelchair to restrict their easy movement. New transport cabulance runs the Wheelchair Accessible Transportation Services in Seattle and therefore closely understands such issues. 

How to Resolve It?

An automatic ramp on public transport will be very useful to help such people. it will become easy for them to get on and off the bus with their wheelchairs. Fining the cars parked on the pavement is the only way to fix these issues and make life a little easy for the people facing such impairments.

What Problems Do Hearing-Impaired People Face?

Hearing impaired people find it difficult to listen to the announcements about the current stop or the next stop. An entirely sound-focused system in buses is of no use for them

How to Resolve It?

A visual screen with enhanced details about the trip and stops might be very helpful for such people.

What Problems Do People With Autism Face?

People with autism find it very difficult in places with huge crowds or if there happens to be a lot of noise at a certain place. Also, a change in the routine of such people makes them feel very uneasy.

How to Resolve It?

People with autism should bring a novel or pair of headsets along with them which keep them distracted from a large crowd on public transport. Any changes that are made in their routine should be informed to them well in advance and make them feel easy over time.

New Transport Cabulance understands these issues closely and therefore runs one of the best and most secure transportation for disabled in Seattle.

Also, read about- The Value of Non-Emergency Medical Transportation



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