Life Rides: Mobility & Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Handicapped Transportation Service

Wheelchair Accessible Transportation Services in Seattle has become a lifeline for specially-abled people. According to recent data, there are almost 61 million people in the United States which have some sort of disability. Also, every 1 in 4 adults has a disability. This gives us an idea that how important it gets to have an infrastructure to accommodate specially-abled people with equality. There was data released in 2020, which stated that almost 18 percent of people with a disability were employed. So to ensure that the specially-abled people get the most comfortable drive when they go out for work or any other personal work, we at New Transport Cabulance provide the best Wheelchair Taxi Services in Seattle . We make sure to take the best care of our customers, trying to fulfill all the wishes to provide them the utmost comfort. The people hired to drive the taxi are given special training so that they could understand the need and care they should show while working as a ...