Wheelchair Accessible Cab

Before wheelchair accessible cabs became available to the public, handicapped people were forced to stay at home. They couldn't drive themselves to school or work and had to rely on members of the family and buddies to help them into car seats. It had been in the 70s when technological advances allowed car manufacturers to design vehicles for the handicapped. Due to this, disabled individuals accumulated the ability to be completely mobile, permitting them to be profitably employed or go to school. Wheelchair accessible cabs are specially modified cabs that allow disabled individuals to act as drivers or passengers. Handicapped drivers use special controls installed in the driver's seat area that allow them to drive themselves and even their buddies to different locations. Floor rails secure the wheelchair in place. Brakes and Pedals. Gases are placed in the steering wheel area and are controlled by hand. If you're physically handicapped and use a wheelchair, you ca...